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Nowe produkty

Sprzedaz przyczepy Hot Dog n Chili 2,50m

Sprzedaz przyczepy Hot Dog n Chili 2,50m

16.140,00 EUR

plus 19 % VAT nie zaw.

Flashing magnet Santa Claus face

Flashing magnet Santa Claus face
cena opcji podstawowej 0,90 EUR
plus 19 % VAT nie zaw.
EAN/PZN: 4007487808958
Verfügbarkeit/Lieferzeit: 3-4 Werktage
Minimum purchased quantity 25 pieces
Size approx. 5cm, with battery, 5 LED, lashing red, blue

Additional Item Description:
...On the back of a small magnet to the Blinky to be attached to objects (clothing, including jackets, shirts, t-shirts, shoes ... or body parts such as hair, nose, lips, ears ...). Additionally, one can Blinky with a safety pin as a brooch attached. ...

Notice to activate your order:
Sale takes place in this shop always in complete packaging units (PU) .. every once each VE is the minimum purchase quantity for the specified item. Please consider this when you activate your order.

Our offers are exclusivly only for companies, business people, trader and freelancers.

Cena w zale¿no¶ci od ilo¶ci zamówionych sztuk:

1-200 szt. za 0,90 EUR
201-500 szt. za 0,88 EUR
501-1000 szt. za 0,87 EUR
1001-2000 szt. za 0,85 EUR
> 2001 szt. za 0,83 EUR

Data dodania do sklepu: wtorek, 08. pa¼dziernika 2019.